Schools and Children’s Privacy

Parents, when confronted with the familiar complaint by a child that a parental decision “isn’t fair”, are entitled to say “I don’t care – what I say goes”.

Schools*, and their teachers, although acting in loco parentis, cannot necessarily do the same. Particularly in their role as public authorities they have obligations to act fairly and lawfully at common law, and under various statutes – not least the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA). Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, incorporated into domestic law by the HRA, famously provides everyone a qualified right

to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence

Parents do not have to respect this in their dealings with their children: the latter cannot enforce the Article 8 right against a parent who demands access to their private correspondence, or who sends them to their bedroom for a spurious reason, or who uploads personal information to a dodgy cloud storage provider. Schools do have to respect the right – in loco parentis only goes so far.

I make this observation in light of research published by and Ponemon Institute into the views of school staff on the use of cloud services in the education sector and the potential risks to student privacy. Among generally encouraging results (rejection of data-mining, seeing threats to student privacy as the top risk of cloud) was something less happy

Some schools admit to a conflict of interest regarding student privacy…47% say they might be tempted to trade student privacy for lower costs

If I were a child, or a parent, I would be tempted, in turn, to say “my (or my child’s) privacy is not yours to trade”. Rather, it is the school’s duty to protect that privacy, to the extent required by the law. Levels of privacy protection should not be related to cost (or only to the limited extent permitted by the second part of Article 8). Relatedly, the seventh principle of Schedule One of the Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) requires a school, as data controller, to take

Appropriate technical and organisational measures…against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data

I would query whether a decision to adopt a software provider at lower cost, at the expense of student privacy, would be compliant with a school’s obligations under the DPA, or the HRA.

*I am talking about non-independent state schools

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